Pipeline Program
FIll out the form below to apply
The Pipeline Training is an In-House instructor-led course designed to give the IUOE Local 793 Member the basic knowledge and skills required to safely and efficiently operate a side boom, excavator or dozer during pipeline construction.
The Pipeline Training course is 3 weeks long and is held at the OETIO Morrisburg Campus. Accommodations and meals will be provided by OETIO.
The selection process will be the responsibility of OETIO. The member will need the required experience and be in good standing with IUOE Local 793.
The list is first come first served. If members don’t qualify because of a lack of work experience, they can apply at a later date.
This program does not require approval under the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005.
Dozer Field Exercises:
Pre-op Inspection
Right-Of-Way layout/ clearing
Grading a level Right-Of-Way (ROW)
ROW clean up
Ditch backfill
Prepare machine to be left unattended
Excavator Field Exercises:
Pre-op Inspection
Straight trench
Backfilling a straight trench
Excavate a trench with tie-in trench
Cross a trench
Straight trench with plug
Excavate a trench with a bend
Sloped trench
Sloped trench with a bend
Sloped trench with a plug
Bell hole
Long excavation – install and backfill a pipe
Prepare machine to be left unattended
Sideboom Field Exercises:
Pre-op Inspection
Boom control
Travel with load under control
Maneouvering around a pipe
Travel with pipe under control
Rotating a pipe
Maneuvering a roller basket
Placement of swamp weights
Repositioning a sling on a pipe at an angle
Hoisting – using a jib
Tandem lifting
Prepare machine to be left unattended